These opportunities should be used to its full potential & they hold great advantages to you. Let me explain.
Being called out to demonstrate with Sensei for the first time is often daunting or embarrassing. When you are called out, do not refuse. This is very bad ettiquete and will be frowned upon by most Sensei. You should step up to the challenge and learn from the experience. You should show correct etiquette when called. You Bow (Rei) Say "Oss Sensei!" as a term of acknowledgement, then step forward. Sensei will then direct you in what it is they wish you to do.
Should you be asked to be the Uke (attacker) make sure your technique is announced clearly, not only for your Sensei to hear your clarification but also for those that are looking on too. Your attack should be strong and direct, keep on target and keep focused. A weak attack is not good as this does not show the defence in its best form. also make sure that you are not too resistant to the defence that is being executed against you.
I will explain further:
When you have techniques that would cause serious harm, like an arm break, then you should be more giving, dont be a hero, your Sensei is probably more than capable of finishing this technique, but who would train after something like that. Resisting some techniques like throws could be dangerous. However this does not mean you should weaken your techniques to make Sensei look better, you should make them strong and firm. I have had students myself that have gone to ground before I have even touched them...
Should you be called out to perform a technique in front of class, dont worry. It is not an excersie to belittle anyone. In fact, an opportunity to get some one on one direction with your Karate training.
Your Sensei may ask you to perform keri or tsuki waza (technique). Your Sensei will use you to point out the good & bad parts of your techniques. learn from it.

It is the Sempai duty to mingle amongst the class without being to obstructive to the student learning. As Sempai, try not to be a wall between the student and sensei, especially if sensei is demonstrating technique or talking to the class. This is a difficult task, though when you get to know your Sensei well it becomes easier a there will be more of a non verbal communication between Sensei & Sempai. Understanding each other. The Sempai, moves around the Dojo, correcting & helping students with technique that Sensei is teaching. This could be just correcting a Stance (Dachi) or fist/hand (te) positioning. It is a good way to examine mistakes others make and think about your own way of doing things. Do you make the same mistakes?
Should you be the student being corrected by a Sempai during class, you should still demonstrate the correct etiquette. The same as you would for your own Sensei. Sempai is an extension of your Sensei & acts on the instruction of Sensei.
Please feel free to comment on any of my articles that I have written, also if you would like to see something written on a particular subject of your interest..get in touch.
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