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Saturday, 2 January 2010


Welcome to my first ever Blog ....

I hope to continue posting on a regular basis on the subject of Karate. I hope that the topics I choose to scribe, will be informative yet imaginative in content.

I will try to keep to the path of which i started and pass on my experiences and thoughts through the Blog.

I am currently in the process of writing a book on Karate-do of which I have been keeping notes in many guises, since i started my training 20yrs ago. The Journey has been long and at times very tiring. Since my first day of walking into a Dojo I have been captivated by the aura that surrounds a Martial Art Sensei. There is something special about the role of Sensei, a most important role. A role which carries huge responsibilities, liability & at times a burden.

For those starting out in Karate, very few of you would be realistically thinking of achieving a Black Belt although most of us have a burning desire to gain one.

My first lesson was different, I wanted to be where my Sensei stood and have the same respect and be able to conduct a class as my Sensei could. I was a young man, niaive & (i hate to say somewhat) arrogant, who was looking too far ahead. I hadnt even completed my first lesson. How clouded was my vision back then.

20yrs has passed, I have my own Association and currently hold the rank of 4th Dan. I have many students and teach full time. I train regularly with some of the best in the world today some are masters in there own styles/associations others are associates who I have met along the way, whom I share a common interest with.

Fast approaching my 40th Birthday, I ask myself the questions. Many that I do not know the answers too, some may be answered in this Blog.

Am I a Good Sensei or a Good student?

Has the journey I took, followed the path of Karate-do or was this my chosen path that life threw at me anyway..?

Did I get there or am I still traveling along that path...?

Questions Questions Questions!!! and not so many answers....
Come back soon!!!


Stay tuned and spread the word.

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