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Saturday, 16 January 2010

Well its two weeks into the new year, its been tough getting going after the festive period.

Not only have students had the hard task of returning to school/work and getting back into the routine of daily life, we have also had to deal with the snow & ice.

Training for myself continued regardless, only one class was cancelled due to the weather. However, many of TSKR students were training throughout xmas.

Those students that managed to turn up during bad weather, were either fortunate to live close to the dojo or very dedicated to training. Either way, I was greatful for the company.

2010 will be a great year for the association, I hope that most stay for the journey.

Training is back into full swing, the first week was really basic, getting you motivated and revisiting old techniques that may have been a distant memory over the holiday.

Week two was better, I get more enthusiastic with bigger turnouts in class, it raises my game puts me under pressure and I feel that my efforts are valued.

I too, need constant pressure to keep myself from losing technique, The old saying, Karate is like hot water, it must be kept on the boil and never left to cool down, is very true. So remember that when you are next in class and think, this is really hard , I dont seem to be getting better. Maybe putting more into your training will reep better & bigger rewards.

I could easily of had a lazy week, having a cold it would of been my easy option to hand over classes to senior grades. I didnt and ended the week on a high, though I still had the cold, I actually had some good sessions.

I conentrated on Kata for week two in all of the sessions I took this week. I believe that its important to get students recapping over old Kata and paying attention to some details, that have either been overlooked or lost in complacency.

Taikyoku Kata is the very basic of Kata, yet the hardest to accomplish, it as actually a Kata that I find very hard to perform and always find room for improvement in my own form. My Sensei always said this Kata will get harder the more you practice but karate technique will improve altogether.

Kanku Sho was another Kata covered, this is a high grade Kata that is enjoyed by a lot of students regardles of grade, probably for the jumping part. (for which we covered the Bunkai). Often classes are designed around teaching of Kyu grades, though I always try to keep in mind that Dan Grades need to be kept watered or the will not grow. So high grade Kata is important regardless of grade.

Heian Sandan was covered in great detail. Mainly the foot work, students tend to rush the Kata and forget again that these are training Kata and should be practiced as a form. Completion of one technique before moving onto another is important.

Bassai dai was covered in full, giving Brown belts something to work on. Some students can find Kata easy to learn, though they tend to forget to put meaning into the movements and this shows in their interpretation. Bassai should improve hip movement, speed & strength.

Jiin was revisited for a few that have forgotten the Kata, it was covered quite a lot last year in the senior Brown/Black Belt classes. I spent two evenings on this Kata for those taking 1st Kyu & shodan grades this year. Remember the version I practice is the same as Kanazawa Ryu.

Finally the Saturday class was very busy, again Kata was covered, in the main Heian Kata, breaking down in detail the movements. Individual groups reviewing the way they do Kata, including Dan Grades...

Not a bad week really, as I said earlier, I could of easily passed the Buck, I didnt & I got the rewards.

So when your sat there at home thinking, I can`t be bothered to get out the door or your at the grading feeling nervous, ask yourself have you put in the most amount of effort & thought into your karate development. Effort & spirit is the key to any good training session.

Without any preset routine of what I am going to teach when I turn up, I always aim to cover the compete syllabus and more over the coming weeks. Students have approached me before, saying, I have not been through my Kata/Kumite/Kihon, think you are probably not the only student at that level, they may have covered it because they attend on a regular basis.

I dont like to announce what I am going to be doing in lessons as this leads to students not getting a balanced diet of Kata Kihon Kumite. Karate is Karate... students ask, what are we doing tonight Sensei... karate..I reply.. what would you expect..

Dont just think that training is in the Dojo only, I tend to think that Dojo training is for learning & where students can be advised on where correction is needed.

Whatever the training you do in the Dojo, it must be backed up by some extra at home. I can very often tell who has taken time out to think about technique that I have corrected them on and will always remember and be looking for improvement next time I see them.

I have to be thankful for all of last years students returning to training again this year. I hope that you all progress to your full potential this year. We already have many new members trying lessons at various clubs. Just take time out to say hello to them & make them feel welcome. Its hard enough getting into an alien environment such as a Dojo. Intimidating, Humiliating springs to mind... A feeling most of us have felt before. So think back, was anyone there holding out a welcoming hand when you started.

Karate is for everyone to try, everyone should feel supported and not belittled into thinking they cannot get any better. Confidence can build bridges and also knock them down.

Are you the builder or the destroyer...? I know who I am... (thats for later)

but do you know who you are.....?

Please log onto this blog, the more that sign up the more I will write...

Oss! for now....

Saturday, 2 January 2010


Welcome to my first ever Blog ....

I hope to continue posting on a regular basis on the subject of Karate. I hope that the topics I choose to scribe, will be informative yet imaginative in content.

I will try to keep to the path of which i started and pass on my experiences and thoughts through the Blog.

I am currently in the process of writing a book on Karate-do of which I have been keeping notes in many guises, since i started my training 20yrs ago. The Journey has been long and at times very tiring. Since my first day of walking into a Dojo I have been captivated by the aura that surrounds a Martial Art Sensei. There is something special about the role of Sensei, a most important role. A role which carries huge responsibilities, liability & at times a burden.

For those starting out in Karate, very few of you would be realistically thinking of achieving a Black Belt although most of us have a burning desire to gain one.

My first lesson was different, I wanted to be where my Sensei stood and have the same respect and be able to conduct a class as my Sensei could. I was a young man, niaive & (i hate to say somewhat) arrogant, who was looking too far ahead. I hadnt even completed my first lesson. How clouded was my vision back then.

20yrs has passed, I have my own Association and currently hold the rank of 4th Dan. I have many students and teach full time. I train regularly with some of the best in the world today some are masters in there own styles/associations others are associates who I have met along the way, whom I share a common interest with.

Fast approaching my 40th Birthday, I ask myself the questions. Many that I do not know the answers too, some may be answered in this Blog.

Am I a Good Sensei or a Good student?

Has the journey I took, followed the path of Karate-do or was this my chosen path that life threw at me anyway..?

Did I get there or am I still traveling along that path...?

Questions Questions Questions!!! and not so many answers....
Come back soon!!!


Stay tuned and spread the word.